Shakespeare Links

From The Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, D.C.
Macbeth Handouts
Macbeth Journal - Choose Ten Quotes, Two from Each Act
Audrey Knight met John Donne
Who Will You Meet? 
Globe Theater Photos - Code Word: Globe
Orson Welles as Macbeth, 1948

Videos and Articles
Different Director’s Visions of Act 1.1
Orson Welles as Macbeth Act 3.2
Hip-Hop Shakespeare Sonnet 18
PODCAST: How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan London
Why Humans Need Sleep
Shakespeare's Tomb
Thar Be Witches, and Us

Use Your Map to Navigate from North of the Thames to Bankside

Macbeth Thematic Questions 
  • What happens when a person is expected to be violent, in a violent world? 
  • What do you do if the most important person in your life rails at you to murder a family member to gain power and respect? 
  • Does violence yield real power, or does it breed fear and paranoia? 
  • Can you find redemption for your most horrid sins, or will their memories haunt your days and shatter your nights? 
  • When you commit evil, is Hell in the afterlife, or in this one?
  • How does Shakespeare use supernatural elements to express psychological reality for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in this play?

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